GECF: Global Gas Outlook 2050

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF or Forum) is an intergovernmental organisation established in May 2001. It became a fully-fledged organisation in 2008, with headquarters in Doha, the State of Qatar.
As of December 2023, the GECF comprises twelve Members and seven Observer Members (hereafter referred to as the GECF
Countries) from four continents. The Member Countries of the Forum are Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya,
Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela (hereafter referred to as Members). Angola,
Azerbaijan, Iraq, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Peru and Senegal have the status of Observer Members (hereafter referred to as Observers).
Cooperation has been extended to technology with the establishment of the Gas Research Institute in 2019, headquartered in
Algiers, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.
In accordance with the GECF Statute, the organisation aims to support the sovereign rights of its Member Countries over their
natural gas resources and their abilities to develop, preserve and use such resources for the benefit of their peoples, through the exchange of experience, views, information and coordination in gas-related matters.
In accordance with its Long-Term Strategy, the vision of the GECF is “to make natural gas the pivotal resource for inclusive and
sustainable development”, and its mission is “to shape the energy future as a global advocate of natural gas and a platform for
cooperation and dialogue, with the view to support the sovereign rights of Member Countries over their natural gas resources and to contribute to global sustainable development and energy security”.

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