Reportes y Estudios sobre la Energía

IEA: Gas Market Report. Q1 – 2025

Global consumption of natural gas returned to structural growth in 2024, reaching an all -time high. Gas demand is expected to increase further in 2025, primarily supported by fast -growing

MACKENZIE: How upstream could meet the demands of delayed energy transition

Barring a radical shift in policy and investment, the world is edging towards a slow-paced transition. Fossil fuels remain cheaper and more accessible than many lowercarbon alternatives. Inflation and budgetary

GEINSA: Lineamientos para la normalizacion del Mercado Electrico Mayorista

El proceso de normalización del Mercado Eléctrico Mayorista (MEM) surge en el marco de la emergenciadel sector eléctrico nacional, declarada por los Decretos de Necesidad y Urgencia N° 55/2023 y1023/2024.

OPEC: Oil Market Report – December 2024

El «Monthly Oil Market Report» de diciembre de 2024, publicado por la OPEP (Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo), ofrece un análisis del estado actual del mercado mundial del petróleo

U.S. EIA: Argentina´s crude oil and natural gas production near record highs

La U.S. EIA (Energy Information Administration), analiza el incremento significativo en la producción de petróleo crudo y gas natural en Argentina, destacando que ambos están alcanzando niveles récord debido al

Austral IE: Reporte Energético de Agosto

? El Profesor Federico A. De Cristo de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales | Universidad Austral, nos brinda su perspectiva en el Panorama Monetario del mes:«La brecha cambiaria permanece en

IEA: Charla con el presidente de YPF Horacio Marin

Acceda a la Presentación de la charla

Austral IE: Reporte Energético de Junio

Toda la información actualizada por nuestro equipo de becarios y graduados, en conjunto con las reflexiones del Director del Instituto, Roberto Carnicer, de la Facultad de Ingeniería | Universidad Austral.

Austral: Webinar Hidrógeno

Acceda a la Presentacion de Marina Paradela Acceda a la Presentacion de Griselda Lambertini

Austral: Webinar Energías Renovables

Acceda a la Presentacion del Msc. Ing. Diego Werner Acceda a la Presentacion sobre Energia Eolica Acceda a la Presentacion de Nicolás Eliaschev

ICAP: Emissions trading worldwide 2024

Another eventful year has passed, and the urgency of addressing the climate crisis looms larger than ever before. Record high temperatures, extreme weather events, and other growing impacts serve as

Austral: Debate Público Austral 2023

Marzo 2024 En un año signado por la incertidumbre y el cambio en el debate público, la Universidad Austral se ha erigido como una voz significativa no solo por la

GECF: Global Gas Outlook 2050

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF or Forum) is an intergovernmental organisation established in May 2001. It became a fully-fledged organisation in 2008, with headquarters in Doha, the State of


March 2024 About GECF:The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF or Forum) is an intergovernmental organisation gathering the world’s leading gas producers and exporters, whose objective is to provide a framework

ICIS: LNG Global Supply & Demand Outlook 2024

February 2024 Global LNG markets in 2023 began to rebalance from the shock caused by the cut in Russian natural gas supply to Europe a year earlier. The global gas

IEEFA: What is the role of gas in the net zero transition?

An Australian perspective The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) examines issues related to energy markets, trends, and policies. The Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to

GECF: Monthly gas market report – February 24

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF or Forum) is an intergovernmental organisation gathering the world’s leading gas producers and exporters, whose objective is to provide a framework for the exchange

ICIS: 2024 outlook for European Gas, Power and Carbon Markets

All eyes will be on gas and power demand in 2024 as the market looks for signs of recovery that were conspicuously absent in 2023. The ICIS view is that

International Energy Agency: The Oil and Gas Industry in Net Zero Transitions

The global oil and gas industry encompasses a large and diverse range of players: from small, specialised operators to huge national oil companies. These producers face pivotal choices about their